The past year-and-a-half has made people in the UK get incredibly creative when it comes to occupying themselves at home. With so much time at home, under lockdowns or restrictions, many have had the time to look around their home and find new ways to use the space they have.
For those fortunate enough to have an outdoor space, a garden shed can be a terrific retreat (almost like a mini-holiday during the pandemic). When we provide our customers with sheds in Kent, and the surrounding areas, they often have a variety of ideas in terms of what they plan to use them for!

Here are some interesting shed ideas in case you need a bit of inspiration:
A Games Room. Having a place to go and have fun can be a really brilliant and therapeutic way of escaping the drudgery of the day-to-day grind. Especially if you are now working from home even more. A beautiful outdoor shed can be big enough to house fun things like ping-pong tables, pool tables, foosball and more. Just be careful if you're playing darts.
A Reading Room. We would all love a dedicated study in our houses but how often would a space like that be taken up with the trappings of everyday life? But one of our sheds in Kent could be the ideal place to sneak off to have a quick read. You could even read some of our fascinating blog articles whilst you are there. No?
A Guest House. Your relatives may be a bit confused at first that you want to put them in the garden but if you were to turn a garden shed into a stunning and quaint guest house for them, they might just be pleasantly surprised. We'll leave the bathroom situation up to you though.
A Lean-To. You don't necessarily need to have a full garden shed. A cosy little space with three walls and a roof could be a terrific place to have some downtime whilst also feeling like you are outdoors. Just keep one eye on that weather app.
A Bar. If you have missed the social appeal of going to a pub but would still like to keep things more at home, an outdoor bar can be a perfect solution. With an amazing choice of outdoor heaters, beer pumps, and mini-fridges online these days, you could make your local even more local.
So there you have a small selection of interesting shed ideas from the team at HSW Timber. We create beautiful, bespoke sheds in Kent, South East London, and other areas for our happy customers. If you would like to get in touch with our experienced timber merchants, you can use the form at the bottom of the page or the phone numbers at the top.
We hope to hear from you soon.